Basics.Name: Seon Ha-Joon
Nickname[s]: Jo
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 23
Birthday: April 12th
Orientation: Pansexual / Panromantic
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Languages: Korean, English, Japanese & Some Chinese
Ethnicity: Asian
Nationality: Korean
Occupation: Florist
AppearanceHair Color: Green & surprisingly it’s natural.
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5’6”
Notable features: light freckles across the bridge of his nose & shoulders, hair color.
Style: comfy yet stylish
Vision: bad, his glasses aren’t just for show.
Skin: has a light tan to it since he is the type to be outside as much as possible.
Scent: Floral
PersonalityHa-Joon is the quiet and observant type usually, though he has his moments where he branches out and tries to form a friendship first. He’s gentle and so soft spoken, though he has a fiery side at his core and has been known to throw some sarcasm. He is as stubborn as it gets and will never give up on the things/people that he believes in. He is loyal to a fault and will always have your back no matter what. He is the type to be easily embarrassed truthfully and he can’t even lie or hide it when he’s embarrassed, he’s not a great liar.scroll for more

BackgroundHe was born as the flowers began to bloom and as he grew, the blooming never left. His parents knew he was special when he was born and all the flowers in the hospital perked up and seemingly began dancing in joy over baby Ha-Joon’s birth.He was a natural at plant manipulation but he was better at working with flowers. As a child he told his mother that the flowers talked to him and his mother believed him for she saw the things her son could do and she wouldn’t doubt he could talk to flowers.His powers grew stronger as he grew older, though his powers also reacted to his emotions which made him work on his control over and over again and this led to his control being amazing for such power that he had. He became so good with his gift that he was able to produce flowers out of his hands without leaving a mark on his person.It was only natural that he’d choose to be a florist when he grew up. It was amazing though, flowers from his shop never ever die and his shop is known well as the shop that sells the “never dying flowers”. Most think his secret is some sort of formula he came up with that keeps the flowers alive but really, it’s the fact that they came into contact with him with his plant based power and he manipulated the flowers entire being to will them to never wilt over and the flowers were oh so happy and excited to find their forever homes to whoever would choose them.The only ones that know of his power are his parents, he likes the fact that others don’t know of his gift but there is a part of him that wants to trust someone enough to tell them about it too.Trivia
1. Ha-joon can communicate with flowers, or rather he can understand their language and they can understand the human language, that's how he knows just what they want and their personalities.
2. Ha-joon lives in an apartment above his flower shop, his apartment is just as floral and full of life as the flower shop is.

BasicsName: Nicholas Claus
Nickname[s]: Nick
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 22
Birthday: December 24th
Orientation: Bisexual / Biromantic
Hometown: North Pole
Languages: English, Russian, French, Korean, Chinese, Japanese & a few more.
Occupation: Santa’s son, future Santa.
Appearance.Hair Color: White that fades to blonde that fades back to white
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5’8”
Notable features: Hair, lots of freckles
Style: warm and comfy. Loves sweaters.
Vision: very good
Skin: quite pale and littered with freckles
Scent: freshly baked cookies
Personality.Nick is a rather quiet person but also quite energetic as well. Another word to describe him by is creative, given his ideas for toy making and ideas for drawing. He is stubborn, that stubbornness knows no bounds. Another thing that knows no bounds is his kindness, he’d give people the shirt off his back no questions asked and would help anyone that needed his help.He has his moments where he displays a timid side, usually with first interactions because he’s so used to interacting with elves that he practically see’s as family and his parents.scroll for more

Born in the North Pole to Mr and Mrs Claus, Santa & Mrs Claus …. He is the heir and the next in line to be the next Santa Claus. Growing up in the North Pole is something you have to be born to handle because the cold and the fact that it’s a very secret place really gets to you.
Nick grew up making friends with the elves that work with his father, they are always so happy to entertain the future Santa’s, the sons and daughters of the current Santa Claus. They taught him how to make toys as much as his dad did as well while his mother and some other elves taught him how to make wonderful cookies and food.When he reached adulthood, his parents wanted him to go out into the world with other humans and experience it before he’d one day take the reigns as the next Santa so he decided to go to college, pursuing an art degree since he did enjoy it a lot, just as much as toy making.Being the son of Santa means he has some Christmas magic as well, he can sometimes know things that people want, material things of course and he can make them, well depending on the size of these things of course.He does miss home most days, especially around Christmas but he enjoys experiencing life outside the North Pole too. Besides, his mom and dad come and visit him the day after Christmas and take a nice rest and they spend time together as a family.Fun fact: His hair is natural, it’s something to do with the fact he will be the next Santa so his hair just wants to have white in it since one day it will be solid white, his just chose a fun way of it.Trivia.
1. He can tap into that Christmas magic like his father can, though since he’s not the current Holly jolly present giving guy, it wears him out afterwards. I’m talking goes from his usual excited and energized self to nearly falling right over, wanting to sleep, feeling sluggish.
2. nick’s hair hasn’t always been so mixed of blonde & white. When he was little his hair only had small pieces of white mixed in but as he’s gotten older the white has taken over more and started having the blonde fade in and out of his hair. His hair makes no sense but he blames it on the whole santa family business and christmas magic.3. nick is absolutely the type to walk around in a t-shirt and shorts even if it’s cold because nothing is cold like back home in the North Pole’s cold honestly.4. Cookies just so happen to be Nicks favorite food/snack. No specific cookie, loves them all but he does favor gingerbread more at times. The way to his heart is through cookies.5. i feel like nick has a problem with keeping his shoes on because back home he can’t wander around barefoot as he pleases but it’s so much warmer than back home so he can just do it and be okay usually.6. i’m just thinking about this with nick but like, he’d take ten years to realize he’s being flirted with ..... and ten more years to realize he flirted back without even knowing it.

Name: Minori Belrose
Nickname[s]: Nori, Min
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She / Her
Age: 23
Birthday: March 31st
Orientation: Demisexual / Demiromantic
Hometown: Paris, France
Languages: Japanese, French
Nationality: Japanese / French
Occupation: Jewelry maker
Appearance.Hair Color: Black with a blue hue that ombres into a pink hue
Eye Color: blue - green
Height: 5’2”
Notable features: Hair, eyes, her doll like features
Style: cutesy and typically pink is her favorite color to wear
Skin: peachy
Scent: cherry blossoms
Personality.Minori is a rather soft spoken and gentle girl, though all the words uttered from her lips are complete truths, even if some seem brutally honest and blunt. She means well and only wants to make some true friends in life. She can be quite stubborn but doesn’t have a single mean bone in her body. She can be rather quiet and observant at times and maybe even a little naive.scroll for more

BackgroundMinori was born to a Japanese mother who moved to france to live out her dream as a fashion designer, she fell in love with Minori’s father while there, a handsome and kind baker he was, a few years later they were married and Minori was born and then her little brother as well.Minori was always a very honest child, so honest that she could never hold her true thoughts in at all, they’d just spill out no matter how hard she tried to keep from saying some stuff because she knew it’d make her lose friends. It turns out it was a curse of sorts on her fathers side that affects the first born of the next generation, her father being a second child did not have to deal with it but her being the oldest child of her father, it landed on her next.Despite having to deal with telling the truth all the time, it wasn’t so bad, well minus the losing friends a lot but still, she made it work in life and has done her best.She often bounces between living in her apartment in France or in her mother’s old home back in Japan, she likes to see both at different parts of the years.She loves to make jewelry and has an online shop where she sells it. She is very creative with her jewelry creations though some stuff has been pretty wild, that’s just part of her brand you see?Her wish is to have people that won’t mind her brutally honest nature that she can’t seem to help at all and to have true friends.TriviaTBA

Basics.Name: Jax Ray Thorne
Nickname[s]: Jas
Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: they / them, he / him
Age: 21
Birthday: January 9th
Orientation: Asexual / Panromantic
Hometown: Bristol, England
Languages: English
Nationality: British
Occupation: Writer
Appearance.Hair Color: Sandy Brown
Eye Color: Amber
Height: 5’3”
Notable features: baby face, eyes
Style: loose clothing, comfortable, nothing matches though.
Vision: good
Skin: lightly tanned
Scent: citrus
Personality.Jax is a rather timid person and they get overwhelmed by social situations rather easily. They care a lot about people, even strangers honestly and only want the best for others and will go out of their way to help them. They’re quite the emotional type, their own emotions overwhelming them and then the backlash of others emotions just make it worse for them in the long run. They’re a bit stubborn and won’t give up on anything or anyone that they believe in as well.scroll for more

Background.Jax was always emotional growing up and seemed to pick up everyone’s emotions so easily. As it turned out, they are an empath and that explains how they always knew how others were feeling. It was hard sometimes, people felt emotions so strongly that it overwhelmed them many times in his life, especially more into their teen years where their own emotions went all over the place as they tried to figure out who they really wanted to be and how they fit into the world.Jax has always been such a kind soul and on top of feeling others emotions, they can send out emotions at others as well. For example, if someone is angry, Jax can try and send out calming emotions to that person, though they’re not the greatest at times because a lot of people’s emotions are stronger and more in control than Jax’s own.Jax is sometimes quite the shut in, instead they’re writing stories and then publishing them under their author name, JR Thorne.They seem tired a lot of the time, it comes with feeling others emotions on top of their own so much and sometimes projecting their own at others.Jax doesn’t know really where their little gift came from but they take it in stride as best as they can, though some days they’re so overwhelmed that they just want to cry and stay shut in that whole day.Trivia.

Basics.Name: Esme Desrosiers
Nickname[s]: Es
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 25
Birthday: July 16th
Orientation: Demisexual / Demiromantic
Hometown: Marseille, France
Languages: French, English
Nationality: French
Occupation: Radio Show Host
Appearance.Hair Color: Naturally black, dyed a blue green
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’7”
Notable features: Bright hair, constant headphones, sharp eyes that seem as if they’re stuck in a glare, dimples
Style: edgy
Skin: lightly tanned
Scent: fire
Personality.Esme comes off as an angry and easily annoyed kind of guy. He doesn’t take criticism well, he always has some anger settled just beneath his skin and he’s a bit of a loud mouth when he wants to be. He is loyal to a fault however, if you manage to win his loyalty then he’ll never turn his back on you even if you were to betray him. He’s usually quiet though and has this lone wolf energy about him.scroll for more

Background.Esme has always known what people were thinking, always heard the overwhelming voices in his head of those that were in a certain radius of him. His parents didn’t understand but they tried to help their precious boy, they showered him with love and did all they could to help.Help from all the voices that were others thoughts came in the form of music. When he was listening to music, it was as if there was less noise in his head, or rather new noise in his head that wasn’t peoples innermost thoughts.Music became his escape, making his own music, always going around with headphones on. He doesn’t like a time where he can’t have music to drown out the fact that he can hear others thoughts, social situations are not things he enjoys.He does enjoy that he has become a radio show host. He can be alone there and have the music and the complete silence since there’s nobody in there with him most the time, a break from the constant talking in his head that is not his.Trivia.

Basics.Name: Amity Jiang
Nickname[s]: Ams
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: he / him
Age: 26
Birthday: September 25th
Orientation: Asexual / Demiromantic
Hometown: Newark, New Jersey
Languages: English, Chinese
Ethnicity: Asian(Chinese) / White
Occupation: Waiter
Appearance.Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’10”
Notable features: Tired eyes, long fingers, long lashes
Style: casual stuff like graphic t shirts and flannels and jeans
Skin: has a slight olive hue
Scent: cinnamon
Personality.Amity is the blunt and honest type but he means well. He comes off as awkward and withdrawn, social situations were always hard for him because he never really kept up with what was popular and never knew what to talk about and when he did talk, he’d drone on about stuff he liked that made people lose interest fast. He’s a fast learner and so intelligent but he can even be oblivious despite this.scroll for more

Background.Growing up in a big family, Amity always got along better with animals than his own siblings, not that he didn’t love his siblings or anything, it was just that they were all so loud and wild while he wasn’t.Everyone always looked at animals and saw loud and wild but Amity knew they were much tamer than humans could be. It also helped him that he could communicate with animals, a gift he has had for as long as he could remember.He got to see animals often being that his father was a veterinarian, he’d always show up in the office and see the animals waiting to get checked out and talk to them, they were always so nervous but talkative and Amity was happy to reassure them.Like his father used to be before retiring due to his age, he wants to be a veterinarian too but he hasn’t quite made it there in life and maybe he won’t ever have that chance, his family just did not quite have the funds for college fees for all six of their children that were close together in age ( two sets of twins and two that were not twins ).Amity is the type to check up on strays in his neighborhood and talk with animals often, more than people almost always.Trivia.TBA

Basics.Name: Theodore Aleta Powe
Nickname[s]: Theo
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 24
Birthday: October 3rd
Orientation: Homosexual / Homoromantic
Hometown: Birmingham, England
Languages: English, German
Ethnicity: White ( German & British )
Occupation: Tattoo artist
Appearance.Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Amethyst
Height: 5'2"
Notable Features: Long lashes, piercings(especially the one below his eye but he has almost all ear piercings, tongue piercing, belly button and he once had snake bites), tattoo sleeves on both arms that are floral based.
Style: loose fitting tops that are usually off the shoulder and displaying tattoos that decorate his arms, ripped up pants are typically his thing but sometimes yoga pants too and platform boots to make himself appear taller. Typically his shirts are the color purple.
Skin: Pale
Scent: Bubblegum
Personality.Theo is extremely friendly and bubbly upon meeting others. Though you'll find he also has a bit of a flirty side too, yet he immediately becomes so easily flustered when someone flirts with him first or flirts right back. He has a bit of a self conscious side, it's mostly about his height but he also gets a little self conscious about his appearance in general as well. He is stubborn and doesn't ever back down when he's in one of his stubborn moods.scroll for more

Theo's parents knew he was going to go places in the art field when their son could draw anything he saw once, detail for detail, exact. Theo is an artistic prodigy but his passion was found in tattoos. His dad had a lot of tattoos and Theo thought it was amazing and that it took so much amazing talent to make such amazing art on a person. Theo knew he would one day become a tattoo artist one day.Theo was surrounded by people in his teen years and those people loved his artistic talents and he loved to share it with them. Theo had his name in so many art shows for his school and won so many art competitions but it was all preparing him for the day he'd be a tattoo artist. He used his drawing talent to do commissions to save up so that he could one day have his own tattoo studio.He enjoyed getting tattoos of his own and spending time talking to other tattoo artists until finally it was his turn to get to be a tattoo artist. Finally his own studio, finally his talent ready to be put to use, finally, he was living his dream.Trivia.1. Theo is a ball of energy that runs off coffee, energy drinks and happiness over getting to do the perfect tattoos for those that come to his tattoo studio.2. tba